Latest version: 2.3
Older versions: 2.0, 1.0
(last update: 26 Dec 2015)
Go to example with MBC ImageLightbox: 2.3b
A fast, responsive, reliable and lightweight script for mosaic grid galleries with constant [dynamic] height. Images can be added dynamically in every moment
Customizable: height range, padding*, min number of images in a row.
Compatible with every browser, lightbox-compatible.
* padding values must be updated in main CSS too, to work properly. Default is 3px.
© 2016, Nereo Costacurta, all rights reserved
Add an adaptive mosaic gallery <div> in <body>:
<div id="gallery" class="adaptiveGallery"></div>
1) Create a list of objects containing:
var aImages = [
src: [string] //the image path - mandatory
attr: { //the standard attributes (href, title etc.)
href: '[string]',
title: '[string]'
data: { //object containing HTML5 data to append to hyperlink (*as attributes!*)
lightbox: '[string]', //e.g. <a data-lightbox="album1">
title: '[string]'
2) When document ready, add this code:
var myGallery = $('#gallery').adaptiveGallery({
pad: 3, //[3] grid width (space between image boxes)
maxD: 300, //[300] max height of each box
minN: 1, //[1] min number of box in a row
popSpeed: 200, //[250] ms delay between chained fade animation for loaded images (0 = all at the same time)
onAdd: function(a){ //[function(){}] click callback for new image added to dom tree{
return false;
imgs: aImages //[null] array of images
3) To add other images use:
var aImagesToAdd = []; //[array] see point 1
Gallery with existent images tag <img>.
Do not leave spaces or new lines between boxes!
Add an adaptive mosaic gallery <div> in <body>. Fill it with this markup.
Do not leave spaces or new lines between boxes!
This example show you how to implement lightbox2 too
<div id="gallery" class="adaptiveGallery"><!--
--><div class="box">
<a href="img/for/lightbox" data-lightbox="group"><div class="overlay">description 1</div></a>
<img src="img/to/display">
--><div class="box">
<a href="img/for/lightbox" data-lightbox="group"><div class="overlay">description 2</div></a>
<img src="img/to/display">
When document ready, add code to initialize adaptive gallery (see point 3 above) without setting images array (or set it to null).